Annual Requirements
Once certified, you will receive a certificate valid for three years; however, to maintain it, you will need to submit your continuing education and an annual fee based on the criteria listed below.
Administrator Education Units (AEUs)
Effective January 1, 2018
All Certificants are required to obtain at least six Administrator Education Units (AEUs) in each of the five major content areas for a total of 30 AEUs in a three-year recertification cycle.
All certificants must submit 30 AEUs (6 AEUs in each of the five content areas) once in their Three-Year Recertification Cycle via the CASC online recertification system by December 31 of their Three-Year Recertification Cycle and pay the annual fee or their credential will be revoked. There will be no extension period allowed.
All sessions/webinars/courses must be at least 60 minutes in length in order to earn 1 AEU.
When meeting the continuing education requirements by attending programs pre-approved for AEUs, you do not have to submit copies of attendance certificates issued by the education provider but maintain the certificates if there are questions or you are audited.
The certificant will need to submit certain information about the educational program via the online recertification system. BASC will randomly audit certificants on an annual basis. Please keep the handouts because if there are questions, you may be asked to provide these as well.
Effective January 1, 2024
Self-reported (unapproved) Continuing Education Hours will be accepted. The certificant will need to refer to the handbook for the process of submitting those credit.
All certificants must pay the annual fee of $180 during the payment period of October 1 – December 31, via the CASC online recertification system every year or their credential will be revoked. There will be no extension period allowed.
To record your educational activities, log in to the online recertification system. Note: To view a guide to using the CASC Online Recertification Program, click here (pdf).