Below are some of the most frequently asked questions concerning CASC.
If you have a question but do not see it addressed here, please review the Candidate Handbook to see if your answer can be found within it. If you still have a question, please contact us..
When is the annual fee due?
All certificants are required to submit the $175 annually during the renewal period, October 1-December 31 on the CASC online platform here. Failure to submit payment will result in loss of credential.
I completed my Ambulatory Surgery Center Association (ASCA) annual meeting evaluations but don’t see the credits in my recertification portal. Where are they?
As more AEU providers, including ASCA, become automated in the awarding of the AEU certificate, it is important to realize these databases are not linked to the CASC online recertification database. This means the information will not automatically transfer, and you must personally enter the AEUs into the CASC online recertification system.
When will I receive my updated certificate upon the completion of my three-year recertification cycle?
Certificates are now available in your recertification portal. Once you complete your recertification cycle, a certificate, with current certification dates, will be available.
How can I obtain my AEUs since I can no longer submit unapproved activities?
You can submit AEUs at any time, but you must submit all 30 AEUs (six AEUs in each of the five content areas) via the CASC online recertification system by December 31 of your three-year recertification cycle or your credential will be revoked. There is no extension period.
I feel that earning the CASC credential helped to validate my knowledge and skills in the ASC world. In order to maintain the credential, I attend conferences and training, so this helps to always keep my knowledge current.”

Let’s get started. Download the CASC candidate handbook today.
For potential candidates seeking information about the CASC certification process.
Why should I recertify? The credential isn’t required.
The CASC credential not being required is part of what makes it stand out. It demonstrates exemplary commitment to the ASC industry. It shows that you have a comprehensive knowledge of administrator duties and are remaining current on the latest ASC issues and requirements.
Who is BASC? I thought this was the CASC credential?
BASC administers the CASC credential. It also administers the CAIP credential.
It is your responsibility to update your contact information in the CASC online recertification system, including maintaining a current email address. All communication regarding the CASC credential will be emailed to certificants, so it is very important to include a current email address.
Some firewalls might block emails from BASC. To help ensure proper delivery of BASC emails to your inbox, check with the appropriate personnel/department at your center to assist you in adding emails sent from BASC to your whitelist, also called the “approved” or “safe sender” list. It is also recommended to periodically check your “junk/spam” folder to make certain BASC emails are not being sent to that folder.
Who should I contact if I have any questions regarding my CASC certification?
Any questions regarding the information outlined above can be submitted to BASC at 703.836.4871 or [email protected].
How often do I need to submit my Administrator Education Units (AEUs)?
You can submit AEUs at any time, but you must submit all 30 AEUs (six AEUs in each of the five content areas) via the CASC online recertification system by December 31 of your three-year recertification cycle or your credential will be revoked. There is no extension period.
I am CASC certified. Should I also take the CAIP exam?
The CASC certification exam is specifically designed for ASC administrators while the CAIP certification is for infection preventionists working in the ASC industry. The individual in your ASC who fulfills the role of the infection preventionist should download the CAIP handbook at www.aboutcaip.org to review the eligibility requirement for the exam.